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How MQTT Works: A Deep Dive into IoT Messaging Protocols

In this blog will cover What is MQTT and How MQTT Works in detailed. In the ever-expanding realm of the Internet of Things (IoT), the need for efficient, reliable, and scalable communication protocols has become paramount.

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) has emerged as one of the most popular protocols to address these needs, especially for devices with limited resources such as the Raspberry Pi Pico W. This blog will delve into the intricacies of MQTT, exploring what it is, how it works, and why it is particularly suited for IoT devices.

Understanding MQTT

What is MQTT?

MQTT stands for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. It is a lightweight messaging protocol designed for small sensors and mobile devices, optimized for high-latency or unreliable networks. Developed in the late 1990s by IBM, MQTT is now an open standard under the OASIS organization and widely used in IoT applications for its simplicity and resource efficiency.

Historical Background

MQTT was originally created by Dr. Andy Stanford-Clark of IBM and Arlen Nipper of Cirrus Link Solutions in 1999. The primary goal was to develop a protocol that would enable oil pipeline sensors to communicate over satellite links, where bandwidth was limited and latency was high.

Since its inception, MQTT has evolved significantly and has been adopted across various industries for different IoT applications.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Lightweight and Efficient: MQTT’s minimal packet overhead makes it ideal for devices with limited processing power and battery life.
  • Publish/Subscribe Model: This decouples the sender and receiver, allowing for flexible and scalable communication.
  • Quality of Service Levels: MQTT provides three levels of message delivery assurance, catering to different reliability needs.
  • Retained Messages and Last Will: These features ensure important messages are not lost and enable graceful handling of client disconnections.
  • Security: Support for SSL/TLS encryption ensures secure data transmission.

The Architecture of MQTT

The MQTT architecture consists of two main components: brokers and clients.

How MQTT Works: A Deep Dive into IoT Messaging Protocols

MQTT Broker

The broker is the central hub through which all messages pass. It is responsible for receiving messages from publishers, filtering them based on topics, and delivering them to the appropriate subscribers.

The broker ensures message delivery according to the specified Quality of Service (QoS) levels and handles client connections and disconnections.

MQTT Clients

Clients are devices or applications that connect to the MQTT broker. They can act as publishers, subscribers, or both. Publishers send messages to the broker on specific topics, while subscribers receive messages from the broker on the topics they are interested in. Clients communicate with the broker over a TCP/IP network.

How MQTT Works

Publish/Subscribe Model

The MQTT protocol operates on a publish/subscribe model, in contrast to the traditional client/server model. This model allows for decoupling of message producers (publishers) and message consumers (subscribers), enhancing scalability and flexibility.

  • Publishers: Devices that send messages to the broker on specific topics.
  • Subscribers: Devices that receive messages from the broker based on the topics they are subscribed to.
  • Topics: Named channels through which messages are routed. Topics are organized hierarchically, similar to file paths (e.g., home/kitchen/temperature).

Topics and Messages

MQTT messages are published on topics, and each topic can have multiple subscribers. Topics are case-sensitive and can include wildcards for flexible subscription patterns.

  • Single-Level Wildcard (+): Matches any single level in the topic hierarchy (e.g., home/+/temperature).
  • Multi-Level Wildcard (#): Matches any number of levels (e.g., home/#).

Quality of Service Levels

MQTT provides three levels of Quality of Service (QoS) for message delivery:

  • QoS 0 (At most once): The message is delivered at most once, with no acknowledgment required.
  • QoS 1 (At least once): The message is delivered at least once, with acknowledgment required.
  • QoS 2 (Exactly once): The message is delivered exactly once, with a four-step handshake to ensure no duplicates.

Retained Messages

Retained messages are stored by the broker and sent to new subscribers on their initial subscription. This ensures that subscribers immediately receive the last known value of a topic.

Last Will and Testament (LWT)

LWT allows clients to specify a message that should be sent by the broker if they unexpectedly disconnect. This feature helps other clients detect failures and take appropriate actions.

Setting Up MQTT on Raspberry Pi Pico W


To set up MQTT on a Raspberry Pi Pico W, you will need:

Installing MQTT Broker

You can refer the below in-depth video for installing and setting up Mosquito MQTT broker on Windows Machine, in this guide will cover Linux installation and setup.

  • Install Mosquitto: Mosquitto is a popular open-source MQTT broker.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-clients
  • Start Mosquitto Service: Ensure Mosquitto is running.
sudo systemctl start mosquitto
sudo systemctl enable mosquitto

Connecting the Pico W as an MQTT Client

  1. Install MicroPython: Ensure MicroPython is installed on the Pico W. Follow the official MicroPython documentation for installation instructions.
  2. MicroPython MQTT Library: Use the umqtt.simple library for MQTT communication.
import network
import time
from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient

# Connect to Wi-Fi
ssid = "your_SSID"
password = "your_PASSWORD"
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
wlan.connect(ssid, password)

while not wlan.isconnected():

# MQTT client setup
client = MQTTClient("client_id", "broker_address")

Basic MQTT Communication Example

Publishing a Message:

client.publish(b"test/topic", b"Hello from Pico W!")

Subscribing to a Topic:

def sub_cb(topic, msg):
    print((topic, msg))


while True:

Advanced MQTT Features

Security in MQTT

Security is a crucial aspect of MQTT, especially for IoT applications. MQTT supports several security mechanisms:

  • SSL/TLS Encryption: Ensures data integrity and confidentiality during transmission.
  • Authentication: Brokers can require clients to authenticate using username and password.
  • Access Control: Brokers can restrict access to topics based on client permissions.

MQTT-SN (MQTT for Sensor Networks)

MQTT-SN is a variant of MQTT designed for low-power, resource-constrained devices typically found in sensor networks. It reduces the protocol overhead by using shorter message formats and supports non-TCP/IP networks like Zigbee and Bluetooth.

MQTT v5.0 Enhancements

MQTT v5.0 introduced several enhancements to improve performance, scalability, and flexibility:

  • Properties: Metadata associated with messages to convey additional information.
  • Shared Subscriptions: Distributes messages among multiple subscribers to balance load.
  • Message Expiry: Specifies how long a message should be retained by the broker.
  • Enhanced Authentication: Supports more complex authentication mechanisms.

Use Cases of MQTT in IoT

Home Automation

MQTT is widely used in home automation systems to control lights, thermostats, and security cameras. Devices publish their status or receive commands via MQTT, enabling seamless automation and remote control.

Industrial IoT

In industrial environments, MQTT is used to monitor and control machinery, track assets, and optimize operations. Its lightweight nature and efficient data transmission make it ideal for real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance.

Healthcare Monitoring

MQTT facilitates remote patient monitoring by transmitting data from wearable devices to healthcare providers. This enables continuous health tracking and timely intervention, improving patient outcomes.

Environmental Monitoring

MQTT is used in environmental monitoring systems to collect data from sensors deployed in remote locations. This data helps track air quality, water levels, and weather conditions, aiding in disaster management and environmental protection.


Recap of MQTT

MQTT is a versatile and efficient protocol tailored for IoT applications. Its lightweight nature, publish/subscribe model, and robust features like QoS levels, retained messages, and LWT make it ideal for resource-constrained devices and unreliable networks.

Future of MQTT in IoT

As the IoT landscape continues to evolve, MQTT is expected to play a pivotal role in enabling seamless communication between billions of devices. Ongoing enhancements, such as those in MQTT v5.0, will further solidify its position as a leading protocol for IoT.

Final Thoughts

For anyone involved in IoT development, understanding and leveraging MQTT can significantly enhance the efficiency and scalability of your projects. Whether you are working on a simple home automation setup with Raspberry Pi Pico W or a complex industrial IoT system, MQTT provides the tools needed to create robust and reliable communication channels.

As you explore the potential of MQTT, you’ll discover its ability to transform how devices interact, paving the way for a more connected and intelligent world.

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Why is MQTT popular in IoT applications?

MQTT is popular in IoT applications because it is lightweight, efficient, and designed to work well in environments with limited resources and unreliable networks. Its publish/subscribe model also makes it highly scalable and flexible.

What are the main advantages of using MQTT?

The main advantages of using MQTT include its minimal packet overhead, support for various Quality of Service (QoS) levels, retained messages, Last Will and Testament (LWT) feature, and its ability to operate over low-bandwidth, high-latency networks.

How Does MQTT Work?

In MQTT’s publish/subscribe model, publishers send messages to a central broker on specific topics, and subscribers receive messages from the broker based on the topics they are interested in. This decouples the sender and receiver, allowing for more scalable communication.

What is an MQTT broker?

An MQTT broker is the central hub that receives messages from publishers and distributes them to the appropriate subscribers. It manages client connections, message filtering, and delivery according to QoS levels.

What are MQTT topics?

Topics are named channels through which MQTT messages are routed. They are organized hierarchically and can include wildcards to allow for flexible subscription patterns.

What are MQTT Quality of Service (QoS) levels?

MQTT offers three QoS levels:
QoS 0 (At most once): The message is delivered at most once, with no acknowledgment required.
QoS 1 (At least once): The message is delivered at least once, with acknowledgment required.
QoS 2 (Exactly once): The message is delivered exactly once, with a four-step handshake to ensure no duplicates.

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